Courtesy Sports Car Digest
Pe b b l e B e a c h S p o t l i g h t
Though only 252 BMW 507 models were ever made, Raymond Loewy wanted his own unique 507. In 1957, he purchased a
507 off the show room floor removed the body and created his own look for the BMW 507. This s the only one ever made by
Loewy and it was on display at the P
ebble Beach Concours d’Elegance this past August.
A coach works firm out of Sens, Fance, Pichon et Parat specialized in crafting one-off bodies in the ‘50s helped Loewy cre
ate his vision. Upon completion of his design this 507 was shown at the 1957 aris auto show. For Loewy this was his own
personal vehicle he drove in the F
rench Rivera for years. Later, he had it shipped to his farm in upstate New ork, which is
why it has New Y
ork license plates on it. In 1962 he donated it to a museum in A so his work would be better represented
on the West Coast.
As a styling example of what was to come a few years laterthere are a number of styling cues on the BMW 507 that were put
into play on the A
vanti. Those include the directional signals in the front fenders, reverse opening hood, and sculpted rear
fender lines.
The Raymond Loewy BMW 507 resides at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
. Motor T
rend ran a story on the
car in October of 1957. It is currently not running so was display only atebble Beach Concours.
—Lewis Schucart
AVANTI Magazine
Summer/Fall 2013 Issue 163