Editor Lewis Schucart editor @ aoai . org
Contributing and Copy Editor Helen V Hutchings hvh @ aoai . org
Contributing Editor John Hull
Proofreader Stephen Montgomery stephen @ aoai . org
Technical Editor Jon Myer spooky @ 1st . net
Avanti Owners Association International
Follow us online : |
www . aoai . org |
Facebook . com / groups / avantiowners |
Twitter @ AvantiMagazine |
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director Director Director Director Director
Board of Directors
Frank Petru |
127 Haley Farm Drive , Canton , GA 30115 ( 317 ) 500-5667 |
fpetru @ aoai . org |
Charles Boxell 14570 Ovitt Road , Perrysburg , OH 43551 ( 419 ) 340-0235 |
cboxell @ aoai . org |
Bill Krueger |
206 Broadhead Drive , Midland , MI 48642 ( 248 ) 348-1768 |
bkrueger @ aoai . org |
Don Hart |
4001 Providence Drive , St . Charles MO 63304 ( 636 ) 928-1443 |
donhart @ aoai . org |
Jeff Grohs |
5760 Tamarack Way , Clayton , CA 94517 ( 925 ) 548-2889 |
jeffgrohs @ aoai . org |
Alan Olas |
805 SE Douglas Street , Lees Summit , MO 64063 ( 660 ) 238-3267 |
alanolas @ aoai . org |
Lou Coté |
4505 - 110th Place NE , Marysville WA 98271 ( 360 ) 651-2406 |
loucote @ aoai . org |
Mike Baker |
1468 Pippin Drive , Greenfield , IN , 46140-3180 ( 317 ) 498-2288 |
mikebaker @ aoai . org |
John Petru |
436 Trailview Court , Cincinnati , OH 45244 ( 513 ) 688-1003 |
jwpetru @ aoai . org |
Frank Petru President 2024-2026 |
Charlie Boxell Vice President 2022-2024 |
Bill Krueger Secretary 2022-2024 |
Don Hart Treasurer 2022-2024 |
Jeff Grohs Director 2023-2025 |
Alan Olas Director 2024-2026 |
Lou Coté Director 2024-2026 |
Mike Baker Director 2023-2025 |
John Petru Director 2023-2025 |
AOAI Staff Back Issues
Studebaker Historian Avanti II Historian
Kelly / Cafaro Historian SDC / AOAI Liaison
Studebaker Avanti Historian Avanti Curator , Studebaker National Museum
Mark Wheeler Bill Waterhouse George Dimitsas John Hull Denny Lockmon Bill Waterhouse Max Starkey
Editor All Avantis
Finance AOAI Legal Advisor
Avanti House Memorabilia Chairman
Social Media and Marketing
Advisors Lewis Schucart Jon Myer , Dan Booth Jeff Grohs Charlie Boxell Don Lindner Milt Yoder Anthony James
Mission Statement : The Avanti Owners Association International , Inc . has been formed to promote awareness and position the Avanti automobile as one of the most desirable U . S . made cars ever manufactured , to document and preserve the history of the Avanti Automobile
Avanti Magazine wants to publish your stories about restoration , ownership , car related events attended or other situations in which you and your Avanti are involved . Please mail all stories or contributions to the editor , or email at editor @ aoai . org
The information contained herein is true and complete to the best of our knowledge . All recommendations on parts and procedures are made without any guarantees on the part of the authors or the organization . Because of the quality of parts , materials and methods are beyond our control , the AOAI , its chapters , officers , board of directors and publication authors disclaim all liability incurred in connection with use of this information . Views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the organization . Information contained in organization publications may not be used for any illegal purpose .
Avanti Magazine ( USPS 019-656 ISSN-1545-7287 ), the official publication of the Avanti Owners Association International ( AOAI ), is published quarterly ( March , June , September and December ) by the AOAI . EDITOR and PUBLICATION OFFICE : Lewis Schucart , 12102 Josephine Marie Drive , Maryland Heights , MO 63043-4200 ( 314 ) 578-7911 . PRINTING : The Sheridan Press , 450 Fame Avenue , Hanover , PA 17331 ( 717 ) 632-3535 . Subscription is included with membership and is not for sale to nonmembers of the AOAI - $ 38 annually : Canada and other countries - $ 39 annually . Magazine contents are copyright protected ; all rights reserved . Reprint rights automatically given to all chapter editors . Others should contact the AOAI editor . All materials submitted are subject to AOAI ’ s right to edit . POSTMASTER : Send address changes and returns to : AOAI , c / o Cornerstone Registration LTD ., PO BOX 1715 Maple Grove , MN 55311-6715 . Email : mark @ cornerstonereg . com Periodical postage paid at Hazelwood , Missouri and additional mailing offices . CANADA AGREEMENT # 40734502 ; Canada Return Address : Station A , PO Box 54 , Windsor , Ontario N9A 6J5 ; Email : editor @ aoai . org
4 AVANTI Magazine Summer / Fall 2024 Issue 207